California crude oil and natural gas methane rule - Compliance starts as soon as 1/1/18. - MIRATECH

California crude oil and natural gas methane rule – Compliance starts as soon as 1/1/18.

May 31, 2017

On May 31, 2016, California released proposed regulations for methane from crude oil and natural gas facilities. A public hearing occurred on July 21, 2016 and included supplemental 15-day notices. After comments from California Air Resources Boardstakeholders, a final regulation was posted March 10, 2017 and additional resolutions were posted on April 14, 2017.

In general, the regulation aims to control equipment leaks by testing, leak detection and repair (LDAR), and vapor recovery based on phased dates. In addition, facilities are required to develop monitoring plans and report emissions. The proposed regulation, codified in the California Code of Regulations, apply to facilities in the sectors listed below, regardless of emissions level according to a May 26,2017 Trinity Consultants report.

  • Separator and Tank Systems
  • Circulation Tanks for Well Stimulation Treatments
  • Reciprocating Natural Gas Compressors
  • Centrifugal Natural Gas Compressors
  • Natural Gas Powered Pneumatic Devices and Pumps
  • Liquids Unloading of Natural Gas Wells
  • Well Casting Vents
  • Natural Gas Underground Storage Facility Monitoring Requirements.

Equipment and facilities not previously subject to leak requirements will be subject to leak inspections, vapor recovery, testing, monitoring plan development, and reporting obligations. Compliance dates start as early as January 1st, 2018 and facilities should plan to develop an applicability assessment to prepare for the new requirements.

What this means to you
California’s oil and gas methane regulation aims to control equipment leaks by testing, leak detection and repair (LDAR), and vapor recovery based on phased dates. In addition, facilities are required to develop monitoring plans and report emissions. Equipment and facilities not previously subject to leak requirements will be subject to leak inspections, vapor recovery, testing, monitoring plan development, and reporting obligations. Compliance dates start as early as January 1st, 2018 and facilities should plan to develop an applicability assessment to prepare for the new requirements.

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