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Independent Rep Directory



Chicago, IL
Houston, TX
Knoxville, TN
Los Angeles, CA
Marietta, OH

Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Prior Lake, MN
Sinntal, Germany
St. Augustine, FL

Toronto, ON, Canada
Tulsa, OK
Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Catalyst Services Centers

Gillette, WY
Houston, TX
Knoxville, TN
Odessa, TX
Pittsburgh, PA
Tulsa, OK
Calgary, Canada
Sinntal, Germany

Independent Representative or Distributor Offices

Atlanta, GA
Boston, MA
Brighton, CO
Dallas, TX
Daytona Beach, FL
Denver, CO
Elizabeth, PA

Gillette, WY
Green Bay, WI
Houston, TX
Kansas City, MO
Los Angeles, CA
Midland, TX
Monroeville, PA

New York City, NY
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Portland, OR
San Antonio, TX
San Francisco, CA
Seattle, WA

Bangkok, Thailand
Beirut, Lebanon
Birmingham, UK
Genova, Italy
Kiel, Germany
Melbourne, Australia
Milan, Italy

San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Santiago, Chile
Shanghai, China

MIRATECH Authorized Distributors (Energy Infrastructure)

RJ Mann & Associates Inc.


AGES (Advanced Gas Engine Solutions)


Coastal Ignition & Controls
