Three sizes are available – a three track unit, a four track unit, and a six track unit – based on exhaust flow rate and required emissions reductions. All three units use the same size Apex catalyst element… a catalyst manufactured with a revolutionary substrate, to create an element with static mixing, mass transfer, and durability characteristics that are superior to other units in the industry.
The housing includes two (2) ½” NPT couplings located in the inlet and outlet sections for instrument fittings and one (1) ½” NPT drain below the outlet. The convenient location of the ½” NPT ports allows for easy installation of pressure gauges, thermocouples, or sample tubes to monitor catalyst performance.
Access to the Apex catalyst is provided through a simple cover plate design, thus eliminating the need to remove the housing from the exhaust piping to service the catalyst. Not only do operators find this system easy to work with, they find it’s performance to be very effective as well.

- Applications
- Power Generation
- NESHAP Regulations
- Energy Infrastructure
- Air Compression
- Liquids Pumping
- Bio-Gas
- Greenhouse CO2 Enrichment