April 6, 2021
California’s South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) will be holding a public hearing for the adoption of Rule 2305, Warehouse Indirect Source Review (ISR) according to a March 23, 2021 Trinity Consultants report.
Rule 2305 aims at reducing NOX and PM10 emissions associated with warehouses and mobile sources attracted to warehouses greater than 100,000 square feet (sf). The reductions are part of SCAQMD’s Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) to attain the 8-hour ozone standards by NAAQS deadlines.
The rule will require warehouse operators to earn Warehouse Action and Investments to Reduce Emissions (WAIRE) points from emission-reducing activities or pay mitigation fees based on the total NOX and PM10 emissions. The number of WAIRE points that a warehouse operator must earn every year is based on Weighted Annual Truck Trips (WATTs).
WATTs will be calculated based on verifiable truck trip data collected by the warehouse operator; if this data is unavailable, WATTs will be calculated based on the number of operational days and the warehouse size.
WAIRE points can be earned through completing specific actions from the WAIRE Menu, completing an approved Custom WAIRE Plan, or choosing to pay a mitigation fee of $1,000 per WAIRE point. All warehouses greater than 50,000 sf will have to submit a Warehouse Operations Notification within 60 days of the rule adoption.
Warehouse operators or landowners must submit an Annual WAIRE Report by July 31st, starting with the Initial Reporting Date. The Annual WAIRE Report will have to include truck trip data, number of WAIRE points earned, information regarding WAIRE points earned through the WAIRE menu, and current contact information.
By January 15 of the Initial Reporting year, warehouses will also have to submit an Initial Site Information Report that includes warehouse size, truck trip data, fleet data, alternative fueling station data, yard truck data, and alternative energy generation equipment data. The Initial Site Information Report must also include whether the warehouse operator anticipates earning WAIRE points from the WAIRE menu, by completing a Custom WAIRE Plan, or by paying the mitigation fee.
If this new proposed ISR rule is adopted, it may lead other air districts in California to proposed similar rules. More information can be found here: PR 2305, PR 316.
What this means to you
California’s South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) will be holding a public hearing for the adoption of Rule 2305, Warehouse Indirect Source Review (ISR) that aims at reducing NOX and PM10 emissions associated with warehouses and mobile sources attracted to warehouses greater than 100,000 square feet (sf). The reductions are part of SCAQMD’s Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) to attain the 8-hour ozone standards by NAAQS deadlines.
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CONTACT MIRATECH for stationary engine NOx and PM emissions solutions in California.