Changes to Ohio fee emission reporting for reporting year 2016. - MIRATECH

Changes to Ohio fee emission reporting for reporting year 2016.

March 1, 2017

On February 1, 2017, Ohio EPA released its annual Air Services eNews letter related to fee emission reports (FER) titled, “Requirements to Submit Emissions Reports for 2016 by April 17, 2017” according to a February 27, 2017 Trinity Consultants report.

In this letter, OEPA identifies significant changes that have been made to the Air Services software since last year’s report, specifically: 

(1)  Changes to Source Classification Codes (SCCs) – U.S. EPA made hundreds of new SCCs available and deactivated many of the existing SCCs. The deactivated SCCs are currently used by many Ohio facilities. The deactivated SCCs will need to be updated before the 2016 reporting year FER can be submitted.

(2)  New control equipment errors – The 2015 reporting year FER included new data validation “warnings” for pollutant data associated with air pollution control equipment. For 2016, these warnings are now errors which will prevent the report from being submitted if the information is not specified. Errors are associated with the control efficiency of each unit for each type of pollutant controlled

Regarding control equipment errors, Ohio EPA has indicated that validation errors will be given for control equipment if all of the following conditions are met:

  • A Title V or synthetic minor facility is submitting an EIS;
  • An emissions unit has reported emissions of a criteria pollutant;
  • The emissions unit has control equipment associated with it;
  • The primary pollutant controlled and all of the required data elements are not supplied.

In order to help facilitate the SCC changes, Ohio EPA has released a document which details the Ohio facilities affected by the SCC changes. This document also provides suggestions for what the new SCCs should be for affected emission units. To download the Microsoft Excel file from Ohio EPA’s website, click here.

What this means to you
On February 1, 2017, Ohio EPA released its annual Air Services eNews letter related to fee emission reports (FER) titled, “Requirements to Submit Emissions Reports for 2016 by April 17, 2017.” In this letter, OEPA identifies significant changes that have been made to the Air Services software since last year’s report.

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