Maryland publishes draft general permit to construct for 373KW – 2000KW CI emergency generators. - MIRATECH

Maryland publishes draft general permit to construct for 373KW – 2000KW CI emergency generators.

February 28, 2019

The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) recently published a draft general permit to construct (PTC) application package for emergency generators according to a February 19, 2019 Trinity Consultants report.

The intent of the general permit is to simplify the application process and expedite the issuance of the required air quality permits for certain types of emergency generator sets; in particular compression ignition generator sets rated at 373 kW up to and including 2000 kW.

Only engines subject to EPA’s New Source Performance Standards for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines (NSPS Subpart IIII) whose primary purpose is emergency operation (as well as operation for required maintenance and testing) would be able to apply for coverage under this permit.

The emergency generator set may operate in certain non-emergency situations for 50 hours per year, as described in 40 CFR §60.4211(f)(3) and §63.6640(f)(3).

The general permit for emergency generators would be a one-time permit required before construction and/or installation of the engine. If construction or installation does not take place within 18 months of permit issuance, then the approval terminates.

The permit becomes effective on the date MDE receives the completed Request for Coverage form and fee, and confirmation of coverage will be provided within 30 days. Currently, the installation of an emergency generator requires a site-specific PTC, which can take 3-6 months to receive after submitting an application. This general permit will significantly speed up the process of receiving a permit.

What this means to you
The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) recently published a draft general permit to construct (PTC) application package for CI emergency generators rated at 373 kW up to 2000 kW. The permit is designed to speed up the permitting process.

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Contact MIRATECH for compression ignition engine emissions solutions.