October 30, 2019
The Washington D.C. Department of Energy and the Environment (DOEE) has finalized revisions to two source category permits to construct and/or operate for emergency engines in the District according to an October 3, 2019 Trinity Consultants report.
These revised source category permits are for engines that are subject to federal New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) Subpart JJJJ or Subpart IIII. The revised source category permit updates are largely to address revisions to the federal NSPS regulations, including the vacatur of provisions related to demand response programs. The draft permits were issued for public comment on August 23, 2019.
DOEE received one comment related to these permits during the comment period. This comment resulted in in DOEE making changes to both permits, effectively allowing electronic recordkeeping in lieu of maintaining physical logs at the permitted facility.
Generators currently operating under the original source category permits must submit a renewal application by June 15, 2020 for permit 7043-SC and by June 29, 2020 for permit 7048-SC. The renewal application may be submitted at any time between now and then with no change in the expiration date of the renewed permit.
The application forms for the permits can be found below:
Initial Applications
What this means to you
The Washington D.C. Department of Energy and the Environment (DOEE) has finalized revisions to two source category permits to construct and/or operate for emergency engines in the District
MIRATCH can help
Contact MIRATECH for stationary emergency engine compliance.